Well, it has been a long time since my last post. I do apologize. My life has been taken over by a monster that can creep up on you at any time and, once in its control, you must just wait for it to release you. This silent monster is fibromyalgia.
Those of us who have fibromyalgia look like ordinary people. No scars or identifying marks. We look NORMAL, but we are not. A simple act of dusting or hovering, watering the yard, shopping for groceries, can leave us so tired we need to sleep for days. Going to work for 8-9 hours daily is something that we may not be able to do. Fibro can change your life. If has for me.
How do you know if you have fibro? Most doctors will ask you questions concerning your daily routine, if you work, how long, etc. They will ask questions about your eating habits and sleeping habits. They will do a pressure point test on 18 spots on your body. These 18 points will probably be very sensitive to touch.
For many, medicine and diet and exercise will help. Avoiding stress will help. I do not take the normal meds of fibro patients, as I have bad reactions. I take a med that had a totally different use in the 60's. This is taken at night, as it helps me sleep and keeps the pain tolerable.
Not every one with fibro will have the same symptoms. I can feel when a 'flare' is going to happen. I feel like I am on fire, actual fire. The way I described it to my doctor was dousing myself in petrol and lighting a match. After this, I will have a bad 'flare' within 12 hours. A 'flare' is also different for everyone. I get the 'burning', cannot get enough sleep, am restless and walk around in a fog (referred to as 'fibro fog').
In the last month or so, I have had several of these 'flares'. One was so bad that someone had to stay with me, as I almost could not walk. I did not have the strength.
Stress, for me, is normally what sets it off. The last several months have been hard on me. Things have happened that I never thought would. I let this eat me up inside, and that's what set my 'flares' off. Trying to be 'stress-free' is very hard.
Why do people get fibromyalgia? There is no answer for that. Doctors have thought/said it's inherited, others have said a reaction to another disease. I have no answer either. I know that no one on either side of my biological family has had this diagnosed. I do know that my 20 year-old daughter has just found out she has this. She is not on meds for it, as she is having a baby in late July. I suspect my 12 year old daughter also has it.
For me, fibro started when my arthritis was getting bad. I also was diagnosed with lupus around the same time. Were these factors? No one will probably ever know.
The month of May was labeled National Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Month. If you have or know someone who has this, were purple. I don't have a lot of purple clothes, but I have kept my nails polished with purple! I have seen t-shirts with slogans on them, wrist bands, bumper stickers, etc.
I know it is at the end of May, but I think we shouldn't stop remembering people that have this. We really look just like everyone else. Most of us put on a 'happy face' and continue with everyday life. I know I do, far too often.
So, if you know anyone with this disease, wear purple for them. If you have it yourself, know that you aren't alone. There are many of us that understand how you feel and how your life has changed.
Have a wonderful day,